Hire the top 3% global remote Salesforce talent

Hire Pre-vetted remote salesforce professionals with strong technical, domain expertise, and communication skills at unbeatable prices who are ready to work in your time zone

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Our Curation Process

In a 4-step vetting process, we assess candidates on technical skills, communication skills, industry exposure, leadership/team collaboration skills, and problem-solving capabilities.

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Initial Screening

20% Filtered
Skill Review@4x

Skill Review

70% Filtered

Implementation Challenge

90% Filtered
Technical Interview@4x

Technical Interview

Top 3% remain
Funnel Final
Applications Received

Clear Initial Screening

Clear Skill Tests

Clear Implementation challenge

Clear Technical Interview

How it works?

Our comprehensive hiring process is crafted to not just find the best talent with the required tech skills, but those with relevant domain expertise and communication skills too. Find the right fit for your specific requirements.

Tell us what@4x

Tell us what you need

Be it Salesforce Admin or Salesforce Developer or Salesforce Consultant or Salesforce Architect, from sales cloud to salesforce industries any salesforce skill we’ve got the vast pool.

Connect best@4x

Connect with the best

Get matched to choose the pre-vetted salesforce professionals who meet your requirements. Go through all matched candidate's detailed assessment reports, projects, and Interview recordings.

Choose fit@4x

Choose your best fit

Schedule interviews in one click with all interested candidates and start working on a risk free 2-week trial with selected candidates. You don’t have to pay anything if you don’t like the candidate.

Why choose ExaltLink?

We now live in a remote-first world. Companies are in competition to garner the benefits of remote engineering talent.

200k Salesforce professionals have already joined ExaltLink.

Pre vetted@4x

Pre-vetted Pool

Talent is vetted for over 5+ hours of rigorous tests and interviews. We test for 50+ skills. We select excellent communicators who can proactively take ownership of business and product objectives without micromanagement.

Remote work@4x

Remote work made easy

Time zone matched for easy communication, our developers match your time zone and overlap a minimum of 4 hours with your workday. ExaltLink’s Workspace gives you even more visibility into your candidates work with automatic time tracking.

Monthly billing@4x

Predictable capped monthly billing

We offer a client-friendly, capped, billing system resulting in a predictable expense structure. Start building with a no-risk 2-week trial period.

Why to choose ExaltLink?

We now live in a remote-first world. Companies are in competition to garner the benefits of remote engineering talent.

200k Salesforce professionals have already joined ExaltLink.

Pre vetted@4x

Pre-vetted Pool

Talent is vetted for over 5+ hours of rigorous tests and interviews. We test for 50+ skills. We select excellent communicators who can proactively take ownership of business and product objectives without micromanagement.

Remote work@4x

Remote work made easy

Time zone matched for easy communication, our developers match your time zone and overlap a minimum of 4 hours with your workday. ExaltLink’s Workspace gives you even more visibility into your candidates work with automatic time tracking.

Monthly billing@4x

Predictable capped monthly billing

We offer a client-friendly, capped, billing system resulting in a predictable expense structure. Start building with a no-risk 2-week trial period.

Frequenty Asked Questions

Let us know your talent requirement in four simple steps, our talent acquisition lead will reach out to you in less than 48 hours. Once we know your talent requirements, we find the best salesforce professionals from our talent pipeline and connect them with you.

We support everything in salesforce. We can connect you with the top tech talent for almost every role. Our talent community includes Salesforce Admins, Developers, Consultants, Marketers and Architects.

The engagement should be at least 3 months. We Encourage both clients and engineers to pick long term and full-time engagements. Although, you can terminate the engagement with any engineer with 1 months’ notice.

As a part of our vetting process, our interview experts conduct technical interviews with our talent, we also record the technical interview for you to review. You can always interview them yourself further for culture fit or ask any specific questions you have.

We run a thorough matching process every time you share your requirements and share the profiles of the shortlisted engineers for you to choose from.

Once, you choose a remote engineer to work with, we offer a trial period of two weeks. This is considered risk-free, meaning, we will bill you for the time and continue your engagement with the engineer. If you’re not completely satisfied, you won’t be billed. We can provide you with another engineer who may be a better fit, beginning a second, no-risk trial.