Apply to highly paid remote US and UK salesforce jobs

Join the network of the world’s best salesforce professionals and get full-time, long-term remote jobs with better compensation and career growth.


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Why join ExaltLink?

Our comprehensive hiring process is crafted to not just find the best talent with the required tech skills, but those with relevant domain expertise and communication skills too. Find the right fit for your specific requirements.

career growth@4x

High Paying jobs and Career Growth

Get up to 2.5x of your current income working with best US and European companies.

work from home@4x

Work from the comfort of your home

You can work according to your convenience; all you need to make sure there is at least 4 hours of overlap with the client’s time zone.

developer community@4x

Access to Exclusive Developer Community

Be part of a global network of top Salesforce professionals and get free access to premium salesforce content.

How to become ExaltLink Salesforce professional?

Work with the best US and UK software companies in just 4 easy steps.



Step 1

Apply by sharing all your basic details like your existing role, years of experience, areas of interest, areas of expertise etc.

Quiz assessments@4x

Complete Quiz assessments

Step 2

Once, you have applied. You will receive an email with an assessment link to take different quizzes based on your role, experience, and skill set.


Live implementation Challenge

Step 3

Once, you have cleared your quiz assessment, you must attend a live coding challenge, where you will be presented with 2 different problem statements and a total of 30 minutes to solve those problems.

Technical Interview@4x

Technical interview

Step 4

Finally, you must take a face 2 face interview with our technical panel. Once you have cleared this interview, you will be part of the ExaltLink family and you will be presented with different job opportunities.

How to become ExaltLink Salesforce professional?

Work with the best US and UK software companies in just 4 easy steps.



Step 1

Apply by sharing all your basic details like your existing role, years of experience, areas of interest, areas of expertise etc.

Quiz assessments@4x

Complete Quiz assessments

Step 2

Once, you have applied. You will receive an email with an assessment link to take different quizzes based on your role, experience, and skill set.


Live implementation Challenge

Step 3

Once, you have cleared your quiz assessment, you must attend a live coding challenge, where you will be presented with 2 different problem statements and a total of 30 minutes to solve those problems.

Technical Interview@4x

Technical interview

Step 4

At last, you must take a face 2 face interview with our technical panel. Once, you have cleared this interview, you will be part of ExaltLink family, and you will be presented with different job opportunities.

Frequenty Asked Questions

Ideally, a remote developer needs to have at least 3 years of relevant experience to get hired by ExaltLink, but at the same time, we don’t say no to exceptional Talent.

The Average salary of ExaltLink salesforce professionals is $50000 USD

ExaltLink uses a combination of human-vetting and our AI systems to match qualified engineers with ExaltLink clients.

We evaluate your expertise, experience, performance on our coding challenges, interviews, availability, and location

to help identify the best positions for each candidate. After successfully completing our vetting process, generally,

ExaltLink offers a job match immediately. However, in some cases, it might take between 4-6 weeks for us to find a project for you.

ExaltLink allows you to work according to your convenience. We have flexible working hours. However, for successful collaboration, developers need to have a 4-hour overlap within the client’s time zone. You can decide in which time zone clients you prefer to work.

ExaltLink is primarily focused on providing developers with full-time, long-term projects. However, we might be able to offer a part-time role in certain conditions. Regardless, we will recommend you take our test so that if an appropriate role comes up, we can contact you.

Do not worry, even if you fail, you can re-take the challenge in three months. When you retake the test after 3-months, you will only be required to repeat the last step where you failed.

In the meantime, you can enrol with ExaltLink Academy that could help you improve your skills.